research Publications
On Some Discrete Statistics of Parking Functions. Appears in the Journal of Integer Sequences.
Ari Cruz, Pamela E. Harris, Kimberly J. Harry, Jan Kretschmann, Matt McClinton, Alex Moon, John O. Museus, and Eric Redmon.
A parking function is a tuple whose nondecreasing rearrangement satisfies the condition that no element exceeds its index. We study parking functions by their ascents, descents, and tie. By using multiset Eulerian polynomials, we give a generating function for the number of parking functions of length n with i descents. We present a recursive formula for the number of parking functions of length n with descents at a specified set of locations. We establish a bijection between the set of parking functions with a certain descent set S, and the set of parking functions where the descents are a reversal of S. As a special case, we enumerate the parking functions of length n with descents only in the first i positions. We prove this using a connection to standard young tableaux, whose enumeration is known. We also study peaks and valleys of parking functions. We show that the set of parking functions with no peaks and no ties is enumerated by the Catalan numbers, and the set of parking functions with no valleys and no ties is enumerated by the Fine numbers. We conclude our study by characterizing when a parking function is uniquely determined by its statistic encoding; a word indicating which indices in the parking function are ascents, descents, and ties. We provide open problems throughout.
Defective Parking Functions and Young Tableaux. Pre-print available on the Arxiv.
Rebecca E. Garcia, Pamela E. Harris, Alex Moon, Aaron Ortiz, Lauren J. Quesada, Cynthia Marie Rivera Sánchez, and Dwight Anderson Williams II.
An (m,n,d)-defective parking function is a parking function where m cars attempt to park along a street with n parking spots, but d cars fail to park. We show that (m,n,d)-defective parking functions are invariant under permuting action of the symmetric group. We also find a way to compute the defect of an arbitrary tuple. We enumerate orbits of (m,n,d)-defective parking functions by connecting them to certain Young tableaux, whose enumeration is known. Using a multinomial formula for the size of an orbit, we conclude with a new formula for the number of (m,n,d)-defective parking functions.
Which Shapes can Appear in a Curve Shortening Flow Singularity? Appears in Nonlinearity.
Sigurd B Angenent, Evan Patrick Davis, Ellie DeCleene, Paige Ellingson, Ziheng Feng, Edgar Gevorgyan, Aris Lemmenes, Alex Moon, Tyler Joseph Tommasi and Yamin Zhou.
We study possible tangles that can occur in singularities of solutions to plane curve shortening flow. We exhibit solutions in which more complicated tangles with more than one self-intersection disappear into a singular point. It seems that there are many examples of this kind and that a complete classification presents a problem similar to the problem of classifying all knots in . As a particular example, we introduce the so-called n-loop curves, which generalize Matt Grayson's figure-eight curve, and we conjecture a generalization of the Coiculescu–Schwartz asymptotic bow-tie result, namely, a vanishing n-loop, when re-scaled anisotropically to fit a square bounding box, converges to a 'squeezed bow-tie,'. As evidence in support of the conjecture, we provide a formal asymptotic analysis on one hand, and a numerical simulation for the cases n = 3 and n = 4 on the other.
Other Publications
Grad Students Leading the Way: How to Organize your own Local Workshop. Appears on the MAA Math Values blog.
A short blog post expositing how I organized a week-long intensive algebraic combinatorics reading group this past summer.
Talks and posters
Kohnert Properties of Northeast Diagrams.
Joint Mathematics Meetings Special Session for the Graduate Research Workshop in Combinatorics. Jan 2025. Seattle, Washington. Joint with Beth Anne Castellano.
Loyola University of Chicago Topology, Algebra, and Combinatorics Seminar. Oct 2024. Chicago, Illinois.
UWM Graduate Student Colloquium. Sept 2024. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Orbits of Defective Parking Functions.
MAA Wisconsin Section Spring 2024 Meeting. April 2024. Whitewater, Wisconsin.
UWM Graduate Student Colloquium. April 2024. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
UWM Algebra Seminar. April 2024. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Linear Algebraic Techniques in Combinatorics.
UWM Graduate Student Colloquium. Sept 2023. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Orbits of Defective Parking Functions.
VII Encuentro Colombiano de Combinatoria (ECCO). June 2024. Popayán, Colombia.
Peakless Tieless Parking Functions.
Mid-Atlantic Algebra, Geometry, and Combinatorics Workshop (MAAGC). Dec 2023. Richmond, Virginia.
A Parallel Implementation of a Nonlinear Diffusion Filter.
LANL Student Symposium. Aug 2023. Los Alamos, New Mexico.
Topology in Curve Shortening Flow.
MxM End of Semester Symposium. May 2022. Madison, Wisconsin.